4.08 – Grass Invasion

4.07.89 - many peoplePreviously, Seaweed was rebellious, Maybelle was artistic, and Penny hunted insects, then aged up to YA.

A warning, this is going to be a long chapter; since Twinbrook is glitching so much, the family is moving after the twins age up to YA, so we’ll do that all in this one chapter.

4.08.01 - party homework
Since the last chapter ended in the middle of Penny’s birthday party, this chapter begins in the same place; the teens are showing what NOT to do at a party, and doing homework. Flamingo and Cosette don’t care, they’re in love.

4.08.02 - Gwen promotion
Gwen got another promotion. I’ve been playing with university for a while, but never seen so many sims get the social group careers as they have recently. Obviously the townies don’t need to max their social group to get offered the job.

4.08.03 - Abbey Motley
I gave Abbey a little plastic surgery to fix her Face One syndrome. Quite like the result, she looks unusual but still pretty. Would be a good fit for Maybelle.

4.08.04 - Heather promotion
Heather also got a promotion; she may well top the career herself.

4.08.05 - twins talking
See kids, this is what a party is about; socialising!

4.08.06 - Abbey bisexual
Abbey is also bisexual, another tick on the side of Maybelle. Unfortunately, all the teens ran away soon after – damn curfew.

4.08.07 - Maybelle honor roll
The next day, Maybelle got onto the honor roll!

4.08.09 - Graham promotion 4.08.10 - Tam promotion
Graham Zale and Tam got promotions; they may even be police partners, not sure.

4.08.11 - Cosette topped career 4.08.12 - Cosette promotion
And Cosette got promoted, she’s topped the Sports career! This fulfils the Gen 4 requirements, and unlocks television, cell phones, arcade games and treadmills. No computers just yet, but we can make a proper living room.

4.08.13 - Adventurous
Though I’ve been trying to increase her jock skill all the time, she’s been stuck at L8 for a while. So we bought the LTR to increase skill, and she rolled Adventurous for her social trait.

4.08.13 - Cosette sports agent
Since I’ve never done it, and since she has topped the Jock social group, I allow Cosette to take another job. I think being a Sports Agent after a Superstar makes sense.

4.08.14 - Seaweed promotion
Wow, and Seaweed also got promoted this afternoon, well done, guys.

4.08.15 - Penny turn Maybelle1
As a couple of people have suggested, I’m going to have Penny turn Maybelle into a werewolf, so we can fulfil her LTW quicker. LMAO, check out Maybelle’s face!
4.08.15 - Penny turn Maybelle2 4.08.15 - Penny turn Maybelle3

4.08.16 - bitten moodlet
I haven’t actually had an active sim turned before, always born that way or made so in CAS. So these moodlets are new for me.

4.08.17 - Penny studying
With no more school and no need to get a job just yet, Penny is studying while the others sleep. She sleeps during the day, while school is on. She has a wish to max the Science skill, so we’re doing that.

4.08.18 - Samali RI
Samali has a RI…and his surname makes me laugh. I love my Kindle 😉

4.08.19 - Seaweed Rich & Famous
Seaweed has rolled this LTW. It could be interesting, I haven’t done the LN stuff much as yet. But I’m not going to lock anything in until his birthday, so we can see what his final trait is.

4.08.20 - Flamingo fishing
Flamingo is still around, he’s pretty much at the graveyard catching death fish, catching angelfish at home or sleeping. I’m trying really hard to get him to the top of this fishing career, such a hard slog.

4.08.21 - intense smell
Lols, nice popup. I am enjoying this turning, very nicely done.

4.08.22 - hai Fiyero
Hai Fiyero! He’s dancing while Maybelle sculpts.

4.08.23 - Penny maxed Science
And Penny has now maxed the Science skill; it’s so much quicker studying books in the library that using the equipment. But then, not using the equipment means we don’t get the fun samples and testing and such.

4.08.24 - Heather + Mikey
Heather and Mikey, sittin’ in a tree… too bad she dislikes kids, I’d love to see their offspring.

4.08.25 - Seaweed pranking
Oh Seaweed, really? Your mother is right there. Again.

4.08.26 - Seaweed in trouble
You so deserve to get into trouble, dude.

4.08.27 - Seaweed time out
He got a time out. And chose to do it outside in the rain…sim logic, lol. That ladder next to him goes down to the treasure basement.

4.08.28  - Heather + Greygory steady
*blinks* I swear Heather was just with Mikey. Apparently she’s stopped playing the field, and is going steady with Greygory now.

4.08.29 - Fiyero music box
I love the music box interactions. So cute! (and those pictures remind me, I should send the family to a festival for another greeting card)

4.08.30 - woohoo in time machine
I’m not working Flamingo too hard, see, he still gets to have fun with his wife.

4.08.31 - narrow escape
Even if the past sims didn’t appreciate their time machine woohoo.

4.08.32 - Willow baby
Sam is going to have a grandchild!

4.08.33 - gnomes watching
The gnomes like to watch, lol. (oops, walls down!)

4.08.34 - fight the power
I forgot how much I like Rebellious sims, they’re fun to play.

4.08.35 - Jaimee and Trent
The Winterwolf and Rourke families may be joining in future!

4.08.36 - Maybelle metal sculpture
Maybelle is up to sculpting metal! Fiyero’s invention bench was still full, so plenty for her to play with.

4.08.37 - befriending dad
Seaweed keeps rolling wishes to ‘befriend Flamingo’. But they never get very far beyond friends, so it degrades quickly 😦

4.08.38 - distractions
And, of course, there are distractions.

4.08.39 - Antonia 10 out of 10
I like her. Almost wish I wasn’t trying to create a legacy genetic stew, so we could keep her.

4.08.40 - Abbey love letter
Abbey also likes Maybelle back, yay. Unlike her brother, Maybelle might just get to keep her high school romance.

4.08.41 - glitchy town
Uhoh, grass is growing through the streets. I think I broke the town, with all the travelling. We’re going to stick around until Penny fulfils her LTW and the twins age up, then the family will be moving. Hopefully we’ll be able to stay in a new town longer than two generations!

4.08.42 - Seaweed throw eggs
Mr Mood Swing wanted to play pranks, and everything in the house is already pranked. So he went next door.

4.08.43 - French guys
Since we already broke the town, I figured I’d allow some more travelling; see how many visas we can get to L3. Penny went with Cosette to France once again; she likes this guy. I forgot to write down his name, so obviously he’s not too important 😛

4.08.44 - Tuatha's garden
I remembered to bring Pangu’s Axe this time, so we did Tuatha’s Garden.

4.08.45 - Penny maxed lycanthropy
And Penny maxed her lycanthropy skill. Reckon I should count this as a maxed skill? It’s hidden, but still has levels.

4.08.46 - Maybelle werewolf
When we get back home, Maybelle has completed her transformation. Man, she’s an ugly werewolf. Pointy ears don’t suit her at all.

4.08.47 - Chance ballet
Ghosts are out tonight! Chance is practising ballet on the dance floor.

4.08.48 - Phoenix haunting
Phoenix is haunting the laundry hanger.

4.08.49 - bore to death
Penny is trying to be funny. She has No Sense of Humor, remember? Cosette remembers.

4.08.50 - sports agent nightmare
WTF kind of outfit is that? No self-respecting Sports Agent wears something like that. And the makeup!

4.08.51 - appropriate sports agent
Much better. The glasses are the finishing touch 🙂

4.08.52 - Willow + Elijah broke up
Aw, guys, you have a child on the way!

4.08.53 - can't get to fridge1
Penny can’t find the fridge…

4.08.53 - can't get to fridge2
Still can’t find it. I think there’s an issue here.

4.08.54 - new fridge
I eventually had to replace the fridge, then it worked. This town is definitely getting glitchy. I’ll have to get cracking on Penny’s LTW.

4.08.55 - spar1
In the meantime, back to China! Cosette has all sorts of wishes around winning sparring matches, so here we go.

4.08.55 - spar2
And she goes epic.

4.08.56 - Seaweed fishing
Seaweed is fishing, with the gorgeous China backdrop.

4.08.57 - maxed fishing
And he’s maxed the skill. He promptly rolled the Renaissance Sim LTW for the third or fourth time. It could fit, but I’m not locking anything in as yet.

4.08.58 - Cosette L3 Visa France
Apparently didn’t take any more pictures until this; Cosette and Penny back in France, and Cosette has a L3 Visa.

4.08.59 - Penny undecided
I double-checked Penny’s gender preference; she’s undecided. I guess I’ve been working so hard on fulfilling her LTW that she hasn’t really done anything romantic. Poor girl.

4.08.60 - Penny close
Penny is also this close to getting a L3 French Visa herself. Too bad we never seem to get the adventure for the last tomb relic we need. Keep getting the stupid collection ones; find me 3 pieces of copper, 4 amethysts etc etc.

4.08.61 - soulpeace
She’s still hunting all over the place; soulpeace is definitely a good haul!

The insects frustrate me, too; check out all the extraordinarily unusual beetles and butterflies she’s found:
4.08.62 - extraordinarily unusual

4.08.63 - rare insects
Multiples of those, but none of these rare ones. So annoying!

4.08.64 - Cosette marathon runner
Cosette doesn’t have much to do, so she’s doing skill challenges for kicks.

4.08.65 - Penny visa 3
Finally! This took a full 3 sim days, to get from 73% to 100%.

4.08.66 - insect collection
I sent them straight home, and we assess our loot. This is the family insect collection now, pretty damn big.

4.08.67 - Trent + Jaimee steady
Trent and Jaimee are going steady!

4.08.68 - net worth
And the family is officially worth over $2.1 million. It’s way easier when I can control everyone, all the spouses max their careers.

4.08.69 - Maybelle horse sculpture
Maybelle finished the horse metal sculpture on the right. I love the juxtaposition between it and Phoenix’s stone horse on the left.

4.08.70 - relic collection
I didn’t show much of all the travelling, but this is the family’s relic collection; all are complete except for the French and Chinese tomb collections. Stupid adventure board wouldn’t give us the adventures we needed to get those ones.

4.08.71 - werewolves
Miss Neat isn’t so neat when she’s in werewolf form. And dude, what happened to my dining set? I’ve been having some trouble with Store stuff disappearing from the game sometimes; when I try to reinstall, the launcher says it’s already installed, but can’t find it in game. I’m really hoping that all these issues will be fixed when we move; don’t have the same problems in my other save files.

4.08.72 - show teeth1
LMAO, this interaction is ‘Show Teeth’.
4.08.72 - show teeth2
So funny! Never seen it before, love that I’m still finding new stuff in this game after all this time.

4.08.73 - body builder skill challenge
Cosette is a skilling machine. No traits for it, but she’s so quick.

4.08.74 - okay hunt
Finding Tiberium is only an ‘okay hunt’…

4.08.75 - Cosette saluting
What are you doing, Cosette? Is that a salute? It can’t be she doesn’t have the hidden trait, according to MC. Maybe it’s an Adventurous idle?

4.08.76 - Angelica
And Sam has her first grandchild! The name Angelica always reminds me of Rugrats.

4.08.77 - Cosette promotion
Cosette got a promotion. This looks to be a different type of career, with abilities outside of work, like a profession, though they go into rabbit holes during the ‘shift’.

4.08.78 - doorbell ditch
Seaweed wants to pull more pranks; here he is sneaking up to Sam’s house to pull a doorbell ditch.

4.08.79 - no one home
Nothing happened… he didn’t get the wish fulfilled, either.

4.08.80 - Maybelle detention
Oops, Penny kept Maybelle up hunting all night, so she got caught sleeping in class and earned herself a detention.

4.08.81 - bed woohoo
This is pretty much all these two do when left on free will. So glad I have risky woohoo turned off…

4.08.82 - Maybelle fainted
LMAO; Maybelle fainted after seeing Penny turn into a werewolf.

4.08.83 - Penny fainted
Just as Maybelle got up, Penny fainted from seeing Maybelle turn. I didn’t realise this happened to all non-Brave sims!

4.08.84 - Penny LTW progress
This is the progress at the moment, over halfway done!

4.08.85 - hunting
Strangely, only the sim who initiates ‘hunt in pack’ actually looks like they’re hunting – I had to separately instruct Penny and Maybelle to hunt in order to get this shot.

4.08.86 - badass Cosette
Cosette looks like such a badass wielding her masterful harvester like a bawse.

4.08.87 - sexy Seaweed
Sexy Seaweed in the tub.

4.08.88 - cute painting
Cute painting! This will definitely go in the nursery for the next generation.

4.08.89 - Seaweed in trouble
Uhoh, Seaweed’s in trouble again. I don’t remember what this was for, possibly skipping work/school?

4.08.90 - moar pranks
He doesn’t care, though. And the couch pattern seems to have disappeared again…

4.08.91 - gnomes and Flamingo
The gnomes keep Flamingo company while he fishes; we have quite a few!

4.08.92 - Flamingo promotion
And after selling all the mummy fish and death fish in his inventory, he finally made it to L9 of the fishing career!

4.08.93 - Old Salty
*sigh* and now he has to sell more fish than the entire rest of his career combined. I have a feeling this isn’t going to happen.

4.08.94 - shower woohoo
He celebrates his promotion in the usual way.

4.08.95 - close to LTW
Man, we are so close to Penny’s LTW! One more hunt should do it.

4.08.96 - Cosette + Maybelle selfie
Even though she’s part of Penny’s pack, Maybelle has time to take photos with her mother.

4.08.97 - photos
LOL, nice expression, Maybelle!

4.08.98 - big haul
Ooh, that lot should definitely be worth more than $550 – glowy fly alone should be over $1k.

4.08.99 - rigged LTW
…what? Seriously? This thing is rigged!

4.08.100 - Penny LTW1
4.08.100 - Penny LTW2
One more hunt finally pushes her over the edge. LTW fulfilled!

4.08.101 - twins BFFs1
The twins have both wished to be BFFs, so we’re on a mission to fulfil that.

4.08.101 - twins BFFs2
Wish fulfilled! Just in time, it’s their birthday today. And we’re throwing a party.

4.08.102 - Hank Zale
It’s a small party, only Antonia Greenwood (who left the second she set foot on the lot), Abbey Motley and…Hank Zale! He send Penny a love letter earlier today, so I figured we might try to match them up.

4.08.103 - heartfart
Heartfart is a good sign!

4.08.104 - HOTM kiss1
Maybelle gets right to the point when Abbey gets there.

4.08.104 - HOTM kiss2
Yay, Abbey accepts the HOTM kiss!

4.08.105 - Seaweed creeper
Seaweed is excited about his sister’s success in love. Way to be a creeper, Seaweed.

4.08.106 - Maybelle girlfriend
I’ll save you the romantic spam, but they got up to girlfriends pretty quickly. LMAO, and Cosette fell on her butt at exactly the right time.

4.08.107 - Hank + Penny
Meanwhile, these two are getting along nicely.

4.08.108 - Hank 10 out of 10
And they find one another very attractive. We may just keep him!

4.08.109 - birthday time
But first, it’s birthday time! They’re out of sync, as always, I can never get that right.

4.08.110 - Seaweed bday
Seaweed rolled Flirty! The LTW I chose for him is Master Romancer (woohoo with 5 different sims in 5 different places); this should be fun.

4.08.111 - Maybelle bday
Maybelle rolled Inappropriate. So doesn’t fit her personality, but then, neither does being a werewolf.

4.08.112 - SeaweedA
Dayum! I think he’s even hotter than Marius. Mum’s eyes and nose, dad’s mouth and chin. Since he’s a rebellious flirt, I gave him a bad boy look.

4.08.113 - MaybelleA
Maybelle looks…unique. Not ugly, exactly, but not classically beautiful either. Pretty much the opposite genetics to Seaweed; dad’s eyes and jaw, mum’s mouth. Not sure about the nose, it looks different to either of the parents.

4.08.114 - Cosette child wishes
Cosette wishes to see both of them succeed in the same career she did. Not going to happen, chica.

4.08.115 - Flamingo bday
Oh man, I forgot it was also Flamingo’s birthday today.

4.08.116 - elder Flamingo
I failed to take a close screenshot, but rest assured, he’s still cute.

4.08.117 - Abbey bday
And while we were at it, I had Maybelle invite Abbey to move in, then we aged her up also. Somewhere in the time it took for Abbey to move in, Maybelle and Penny both transformed into werewolves…

4.08.117 - Abbey traits
Abbey has an interesting mix of traits… I can’t remember her LTW at present, I know it’s not career related.

For some reason, the game decreed that only Abbey should graduate the next day. Good thing is, means we get to see the formal wear I just styled for them.

4.08.118 - Penny formal
Penny is a bit out there with her taste.

4.08.119 - Maybelle formal
Maybelle is much more old-fashioned.

4.08.120 - more grass
Grass is taking over more and more of Twinbrook, we need to get out soon!

4.08.121 - forgot how to stairs
The family have forgotten how to stairs… (also, the statue Fiyero blew up when Cosette graduated is still gone!)

4.08.122 - greeting card
One last greeting card photo, to see out Twinbrook.

4.08.123 - last Twinbrook card
And we wave goodbye to Twinbrook.


Next up, the family move to Barnacle Bay, and we meet the candidates for Seaweed’s spouse!

About somebodysangel13

I love sports, reading and computer games. Bit of a paradox, I guess. Also a loner, always find it easier to communicate online than face to face.

Posted on June 8, 2015, in Generation 4-Cosette and tagged , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 11 Comments.

  1. You know if other sims in the household catch fish they will all count for earnings for Flamingo so if Cosette is bored she could help out.
    Glad you got the warewolf completed.
    Barnacle Bay is brilliant. Lovely views.


    • That trick works for gardening, but not for fishing – tried it with some of the fish Yttrium caught, they didn’t count towards Flamingo’s career. Think I’m going to give up on it, I want him to be able to enjoy his elder years, not be a fishing slave.


  2. Damn Marius grew up hot. I may have to grab him to use as a future spouse.
    Well done completing Penny’s LTW. Looks like a fun one to try out.
    I love Barnacle Bay, so pretty.


    • Haha, I knew who you meant. I’ll get them uploded soon, just have to clear off all the CC.
      The werewolf LTW is sort of fun, but takes a lot of micro-managing, always have to make sure the werewolves don’t leave.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Sorry I meant Seaweed, I need to learn to read things properly! 😀


  4. I am so excited for the new town and to see who Seaweed is going to have for a spouse. He is such a great mix of genetics and I know he will make awesome babies.

    I have never seen grass on the streets before. It did add a very apocalyptic feel that grass is encroaching on the streets where there was once pavement. Eerie XD lol.


  5. Sorry I got here late, I’ve been away from sims altogether for a month. So let’s see… I really like Abbey’s nose job! She’s really cute. LOL the werewolves are still really funny.

    You have a serious grass problem on your hands! What a weird glitch, that hasn’t ever happened to me before, and I’ve had quite a few weird ones. Better luck in Barnacle Bay!

    The family has a LOT of loot! Impressive collection.

    That angler career is such a drag – the tenth level? Get out of here! SO DIFFICULT!

    Go Penny! Way to achieve her LTW!

    Seaweed is really handsome. Babbies!! Babbies nau!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Maybelle is scary as a werewolf, glad Seaweed is heir. XD Interesting LTW too.


  7. OMG, so much fun. The werewolves, and DUDE, Seaweed is so smexy. ❤


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