Category Archives: Generation 2-Jess

2.07 – Creative Types

2.06.38 - graveyard
Last time, we said farewell to our founder, Chance topped his career, and Fiyero became a teenager.

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2.06 – It Moves Us All

2.05.84 - pillow fightingLast time at the Rourke’s, Fiyero was adorable and started learning inventing; Jess completed her LTW and Chance started a Midlife Crisis.

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2.05 – Mid Life Stupid

2.04.75 - Fiyero astronaut3
Last time, Fiyero aged up into a Technophobic child, and the simselves ignored himĀ at his birthday party.

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2.04 – Party Down



2.03.19 - Chance claw1Last time, Fiyero aged up into an adorable toddler with Chance’s hair and Phoenix’s eyes; Jess went to a costume party as a hot dog and Chance completed the mini challenge for this generation, earning over $1000 in tips.

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2.03 – Just Keep Skilling

2.02.58 - baby boyLast time, Jess had a baby boy she named Fiyero.

So sorry it’s been such a long time; computer issues are now mostly fixed, except my laptop has not battery so isn’t very portable. Hoping to get a new one for Christmas.

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2.02 – Work Hard, Play Hard






2.01.72 - rings2Last time, Chance was revealed as the winner of the Spouse Poll; so Jess wood and wed him.

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2.01 – We Can Burn Brighter

And the winner for Jess’ hand is…Chance Danevbie!

Gen 1 Results

It was a narrow win, by just one vote.

And so we begin the first chapter of generation two (since the focus of each generation is the career, the next generation begins when the heir becomes YA or gets married).

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