9.10 – The Art of Flirting

Previously, we started with five toddlers and ended with seven children; now get ready for more birthdays!

Once again, we begin with birthdays; the first teens of gen 10!

Kenickie first; he rolled Supernatural Fan.

He’s mostly Freya, with Friedrich’s eyes. It works nicely.

And Rizzo; she rolled Flirty.

. Yes, she’s all dolled up, because how could a flirty diva not be, but she’s also gorgeous! Freya’s overall face shape, jaw, ears and eye shape, with Friedrich’s mouth and nose.

Friedrich finally maxed out his Nerd skill, and got the opportunity I’ve been waiting for! He’s going to be a Video Game Developer!

And it’s official. Two branches of the Rourke family are now connected by marriage.

Meghann is also getting married.

And Marta has a boyfriend.

No Freya, stop with the stupid wishes! At the same time she rolled this, she also rolled a ‘woohoo with Friedrich’ wish. Everytime they’re in the same room together, they roll wishes for one another; we are not letting a MLC wish get in the way of love like that.

I did grant the ‘change jobs’ wish – Freya is now in the military.

Lol, Diva wishes.

I haven’t played a Diva before, love these animations!

Ack, thought I got rid of all those! Go do something useful, Sandy.

Rizzo rolled up this on her first day of high school. We shall have to check out this Leland character.

Keni is learning to drive.

But it is interrupted by Spooky Day!

Greeting card first.

Eugene was left out this time; that’s the problem with 7 children, not enough room in the booth!

Friedrich checked out the haunted house and ended up a ghost. If we didn’t already have too many children, I may have been tempted to try for a fairy ghost baby.

In the sports car that Freya’s MLC wished for, Rizzo learns to drive. I coloured it hot pink for Rizzo, since Freya and Friedrich already have a car each.

Sonny, Eugene, Friedrich and a random townie bob for apples.

The random won; apparently he’s a Moonwisp-Langurd spawn.

Sandy got her face painted.

Jan and Danny play sim gnubb.

Daenerys was visiting the festival, so I had to get a pic for Vougishstorm.

In my attempt to get everyone to make friends, I decided we should have a family water balloon fight. Plus Dany, because why not.

Underwater pics! I finally figured out how to put a dive lot into another world. I copied a couple of the ones from IP, and we’ll upgrade them as Rizzo levels up.

And we found a mermaid right away! She tried to make friends, but he swam away quite quickly.

Freya finally maxed her own Nerd skill, so she’s also now a video game developer. As they did with Law Enforcement, they will be attempting the two different branches.

Now that we have no toddlers to take care of, Envy just wanders around the house, skilling whatever she wishes for. Cooking is the first one topped.

PJ dance party! Sandy and Eugene are already skilled enough to smustle.

Mr Neurotic set off a prank while trying to wash his hands 3 times. No-one in the house has a moodlet, so it was probably set by one of Friedrich’s siblings.

Keni the Sailor wished for a boat, so I figured why not. He’s busy, though, so Rizzo takes her little sisters for a sail.

The rain kind of ruined the mood, but still pretty!

Keni is busy inventing! I finally remember he’s Eccentric, so he should fly through the levels.

The boys haven’t painted anything I haven’t seen before as yet.

Their parents are on a date; first they went out to eat. And flirt some after eating.

Then the art gallery, though they spent more time looking at one another than the art.

By the time Sonny finished his huge watermelon painting, Eugene had completed these two animal ones. Hidden animal lover trait?

Jan keeps rolling up fishing wishes, so she’s always on the beach.

Sandy is not so much with the skilling. She prefers the playground at home, is always there somewhere.

Friedrich got a promotion; he now has ‘video games’ as a metric. Nice for some.

More birthdays; I triggered these guys a few hours early, so they could go to prom. Sandy rolled Loves the Outdoors – so fitting, she was always there as a child.

Freya’s eyes, nose and cheekbones, Friedrich’s mouth and chin; her jaw is actually a
mix of both, which is a first in my game – MC gives me numbers in between her parents. I gave her a ponytail to fit better with the outdoor-loving nature, and a casual outfit that wouldn’t be hurt by the great outdoors.

Danny is still at school; Sonny is there to cheer him on. He rolled Photographer’s Eye; so we may have to buy a camera for him.

Gorgeous boy; he’s all Friedrich except for Freya’s nose. He needs outfits with lots of pockets to fit all his camera gear.

While the older four are at prom, Jan plays in the bath. Damn, I love Generations.

Prom highlights:

  • Rizzo:
    • Got into a fight over a dress
    • Got into a fight for checking out someone else’s date
    • Got into a fight because someone looked at her funny
  • Kenickie:
    • Won Prom King
    • Was avoided by his crush
  • Danny:
    • Found an RI in Beatriz Moonwisp-Gordon – the girl I was eyeing for Keni, but oh well
    • Had a mishap on the dancefloor and fell on his face
    • Got into a fight because someone tried to hit on his crush
  • Sandy:
    • Won Prom Queen…without ever going to school
    • Wanted to set a booby trap, but was foiled by chaperones
    • Asked her crush for a dance, but was denied

So Rizzo’s prom was awful, the others kind of middling.

Freya found the golf thing that I forgot we even had. She always gravitates towards all the athletic activities.

Back to skilling; Danny is working on his logic, since that’s all he’s ever wished for.

I actually really like the paintings Eugene paints; ironically, Can’t Stand Art is not a bad trait for a painter.

Freya takes a mud bath; she’s sneaking extra days as an Adult, but I don’t mind too much. With his extended lifespans, I expect Friedrich to last until the end of the challenge, so the longer Freya stays with him, the less mourning we need to do.

Rizzo is
such a random sim. She found the guitar that has been sitting in the boys’ room since we moved into the house; no-one else has touched it. Just annoying that poor Danny was sleeping when she found it – and Mr Light Sleeper woke up the second she touched the strings.

Friedrich finally maxed his bot building skill; I keep forgetting to have him work on it, because he so rarely rolls any wishes to do it. Always rolling wishes to do with his kids instead; the family oriented trait is strong in this one. And it’s his graduation trait, at that.

And when the kids finished school, he took Jan fishing, as per both of their wishes.

Freya is playing in the snow; she is also rolling child-related wishes. At the moment she wants to see Keni and Sandy graduate, teach Danny to drive and see Jan get on the honor roll. So I let her just do what she wants when she’s at home.

The kids do have fun sometimes; the boys are on the playground this afternoon. The first ones to use the seesaw since I put it in.

Sandy decided she wanted to learn the bass, so ok. It will probably be a slog, since she’s not a virtuoso, but we haven’t done that skill yet, so someone has to.

Danny invited Beatriz over; she turned out quite pretty.

As evidenced by the changing light, they talked all afternoon, and it was only after the sun went down that she would finally accept his romantic gestures.

Meanwhile, Rizzo is at the house of one Leland Moonwisp-Langurd, whom she wished to kiss on the very first day of high school.

I can tell by the look on his face that he’s related to Tewl…

He’s not bad looking, either; pretty sure he has the Langurd jaw, even.


A hug.

And then a kiss! Which I missed, but they’re going in for it here.

Keni also has a friend over today; this is Emilie Terrey-Vinson, eldest daughter of Marcie Vinson and Noah Terrey. She’s adorable!

Eugene did the yellow painting on the left, which is very cute. Sonny just finished the one with the cats. So cool, these new ones!

Friedrich got this opportunity, which I have never seen before.


Yet another semi-incestual union. Eliseo is Seymour’s son while Caroline is Max’s daughter. I think that brings in the ‘removed’ part to the equation, which just makes things so much more complicated…

These two are definitely
not related, but it seems Star has finally snagged herself a Rourke.

Allison + Daisha are still being sickeningly cute.

I missed the shot, but Friedrich finally caught a deathfish. And so Freya is learning the ambrosia recipe.

Now to cook it.

And time for Rizzo to eat!

Uhm…but she can’t?

About somebodysangel13

I love sports, reading and computer games. Bit of a paradox, I guess. Also a loner, always find it easier to communicate online than face to face.

Posted on October 25, 2017, in Generation 9-Friedrich and tagged , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 9 Comments.

  1. Oh no! Rizzo is my favorite. I wonder why she can’t eat the Ambrosia? Carl’s says this is a known bug. Try putting it in the fridge and having Rizzo eat it as a leftover. Rad has this trouble and she said she had to load and re-load here game a few times before the option came up.


  2. If Rizzo doesn’t end up as heiress, something I really don’t see happening but anyway, I’m SO snapping her up once you upload her so she can make pretty heirs and spares for the fourth Zane gen. Once I get my computer back of course.


  3. I’ll say it again -> Too many kids to choose from.
    Oh hey Daenerys!
    Wow, a prank that survived this long! That’ll teach you for washing your hands. XD
    Sandy though. So pretty 😮
    Oh no Rizzo! Hopefully you’ll figure out that bug for her.
    Is it bad that I don’t want this legacy to end?


    • Non-neat sims so rarely wash their hands, it sort of gross. Though not so much that I could be bothered finding a mod for it…like sims have time for washing, there are skills to learn and dancing to do!

      Be thankful I’m cutting the choice in half, and only making you choose one of the girls for heir 😛

      Not at all bad that you don’t want it to end – I don’t either! Will definitely be back with another challenge… may even use one of the Gen 10 kids, we’ll see.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Fried and Freya’s genes have mixed so well! But I agree that Rizzo is especially gorgeous!

    LOL all Rizzo’s fighting during prom. But you don’t know, maybe it was a great night for her! That is, if she won.

    I know the incest thing is gross, but I just don’t worry about it in my game. You’d have to have a huge population to avoid it.

    Glitches with ambrosia? No!!!


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