2.03 – Just Keep Skilling

2.02.58 - baby boyLast time, Jess had a baby boy she named Fiyero.

So sorry it’s been such a long time; computer issues are now mostly fixed, except my laptop has not battery so isn’t very portable. Hoping to get a new one for Christmas.

2.03.01 - buying up more buildings
Buying up more buildings; it’s kind of ridiculous how much money they have so quickly.

2.03.02 - Suave Seller reward
I gave Jess the Suave Seller LTR; I haven’t dealt much with the Consignment Store, but I’m hoping it helps her raise levels in the painting career a bit faster.

2.03.03 - simselves playing
The simselves are at the consignment store; Pink is raking the leaves while Rochelle plays.

2.03.04 - Jess wishes to play with leaves
Jess rolled the wish to play in the leaves with Rochelle, so we grant it.

2.03.05 - Evil Rochelle
Evil Rochelle is taking pleasure in Jess being stinky.

2.03.06 - talking while stinky
Jess has now wished to be best friends with Rochelle, so her stinky self chats.

2.03.07 - Excitable sims
Haha, I love this explanation. So true.

2.03.08 - lots of money
Wow, the Suave Seller LTR really helps! Or maybe it’s the consignment store – I still haven’t figured how much more you get from selling stuff at the store rather than from the easel or wherever.

2.03.09 - Extra Creative perk
She also has the Very Creative LTR – these guys earn ridiculous amounts of LTH, stacking moodlets is easy when you can control everyone.

2.03.11 - Chance's mother is younger than him...
This makes me laugh; Serenity is Chance’s mother in their legacy, but in mine she’s younger than him.

2.03.12 - Chance helps with baby
Chance helps out with the baby, also – he wants more, but is contenting himself with just the one.

2.03.13 - Chance work party
I haven’t seen this popup before, so cute!

2.03.14 - Fiyero bday
It’s Fiyero’s birthday!

2.03.15 - Fiyero
He is such a cutie! Chance’s hair and Phoenix’s eyes. I’m not sure whether it’s Jess’ or Chance’s skintone – or maybe they have the same one.

2.03.16 - Fiyero teach to walk1
Grandpa Bruce gets right onto the toddler skills. And a great shot of his scorpion tattoo.

2.03.16 - Fiyero teach to walk2 2.03.16 - Fiyero teach to walk3

2.03.17 - Jess fishing in the dark
Jess is out fishing in the river; only two more points to go and she will have mastered her first skill for her LTW!

2.03.18 - Fiyero potty
Daddy helps Fiyero learn to potty.

2.03.18 - Heather adult
Heather, you’re a grown up!

Claw Attack!
2.03.19 - Chance claw1
2.03.19 - Chance claw3 2.03.19 - Chance claw2

Lots of toddler spam, since this is the only toddler we have this generation. Fiyero is so cute.
2.03.20 - Fiyero table1 2.03.20 - Fiyero table3 2.03.20 - Fiyero table2

2.03.21 - Luna drifting from son
Luna apparently has a son she’s drifting away from. He has her hair.

2.03.22 - AJ new RI
Applejack has well and truly moved on from losing Jess.

The adults are boring at the moment, they keep rolling wishes to skill:
2.03.23 - skilling wishes1
2.03.23 - skilling wishes2 2.03.24 - Phoenix does topairy

2.03.25 - Chance befriends Viola
Chance is chatting up Viola Danevbie; she’s his boss, and he’s angling for a promotion. She is also his great aunt… possibly this amuses me far too much.

2.03.26 - RI cheating
Viola and Luna must be Romantic Interests with this random guy (not Pilot, just wearing the same hair). They both reacted badly when he started flirting with the elder in pigtails. You ditched these lovely ladies for some elderly woman? Bad choice, dude!

2.03.27 - Chance asks for promotion
Chance is not deterred, and asks Viola for a promotion.

2.03.28 - Viola says yes!
She agrees!

2.03.29 - Symphonic branch
His LTW is to max the Symphonic branch, so we pick that.
2.03.30 - promotion

2.03.31 - Fiyero teach to talk1
Taking a break from her own skilling, Jess teaches Fiyero to talk.

2.03.31 - Fiyero teach to talk3
Fiyero is having none of it.
2.03.31 - Fiyero teach to talk2
But he pays attention anyway.

2.03.32 - obsessed with rocking chair
Bruce rarely sleeps these days, since he beelines for the rocking chair everytime I leave him on free will for a minute.

2.03.33 - Phoenix masters sculpting
I took these pictures a few weeks ago…I have no idea what this picture is for. Phoenix maxed sculpting a while ago, so maybe a few masterpieces?

Moar toddler skilling! Gets Bruce out of the rocking chair, at least.
2.03.34 - Fiyero teach to walk1 2.03.34 - Fiyero teach to walk2 2.03.34 - Fiyero teach to walk3

2.03.35 - attempt to subdue
I haven’t seen this in an action queue before…

2.03.36 - battling washer1  2.03.36 - battling washer3 2.03.36 - battling washer2
2.03.36 - battling washer4
LMAO, I have not seen this before! It’s brilliant!

2.03.37 - washer moodlet
And then she gets this moodlet. Too cute!

2.03.38 - kiss wishes
Chance and Jess roll wishes for one another all the time. I think we picked the right guy for Jess.

2.03.39 - move in wish
*facepalm* Apparently moving in before the wedding doesn’t help erradicate these wishes. You already live with her, Chance!

2.03.40 - gaze into eyes
Hopeless Romantics are so cute. This is the “gaze into eyes” interaction.

2.03.41 - swoon
And then Chance swoons. They are so cute together.

2.03.42 - wooho wish
Good thing they used protection 😉

2.03.43 - Phoenix swimming wish
With the elders, I’m pretty much just fulfilling their wishes as they’re rolled. Phoenix wanted to go swimming.

2.03.44 - sculpting opp
Haha, awesome name for an opportunity!

2.03.45 - Chance playing for tips
Chance practically lives at the festival grounds; he’s always playing for tips, and this and the library are the best places for large groups of sims.

2.03.46 - Fiyero pouty
Cute pout!

2.03.47 - Fiyero screaming
Not so cute…

2.03.48 - Bruce pouty
Now we know where Fiyero got his pout from.

2.03.49 - lovey founders
These two are still very much in love.

2.03.50 - whiny Fiyero
He’s such a whiny toddler.
2.03.51 - no-one cares
But when he realises no-one cares about his whining when nothing is wrong…
2.03.52 - play with pony
He’s happy to play with his toys.
2.03.53 - love pony
He loves his pony.

2.03.54 - rename spa
We’re renaming the rabbitholes the family owns. I don’t often do this, but it’s fun to have the town named after the Rourkes.

2.03.55 - child wish
Sorry Jess, no can do 😦

2.03.56 - Fiyero adventure1
Just your everyday Saturday ni-wait, where is Fiyero going??

2.03.56 - Fiyero adventure3 2.03.56 - Fiyero adventure4 2.03.56 - Fiyero adventure5 2.03.56 - Fiyero adventure6
Just like the Maloneys, toddler Fiyero randomly chose to play in the garden…

2.03.57 - spooky day festival wish
It’s Spooky Day! Once again, Chance will be visiting the festival.

2.03.58 - Starla party
Meanwhile, Jess has been invited to a party at the simself house – apparently these guys are the only ones who party in Riverview.

2.03.59 - Chance pie eating contest
Chance challenges Pilot Inspektor to a pie eating contest. Two other randoms join in.

2.03.60 - blue Jess is a hotdog
ROFL, Jess dressed up as a hotdog!
And she’s blue; she snuck some magic jellybeans at the alchemy shop.

2.03.61 - Rochelle + Jess faces
Rochelle is a mermaid. These two are great friends.

2.03.62 - Pink is a zebra
Pink is a zebra, I think?
2.03.63 - Starla a bunny
Starla is a bunny without ears.
And Heather refused to change into a costume, so I didn’t get a picture.

2.03.64 - Chance playing for tips
Chance plays for tips once again; we’re doing all this for a reason, since we don’t really need the money.

2.03.65 - Bruce retires1 2.03.65 - Bruce retires2
Bruce rolled the wish to retire, so I let him. We don’t need his income anyway.

2.03.66 - Hotdog cooked hotdogs
Hot dog eating a (burned) hot dog. Small things amuse me…

2.03.67 - Chance tips 2.03.68 - over $1k
Chance has earned over $1000 playing for tips, and completed the Gen 2 mini challenge! +3 points 😀


And on that note, we’ll end this chapter. Next up we’ll see child Fiyero!

About somebodysangel13

I love sports, reading and computer games. Bit of a paradox, I guess. Also a loner, always find it easier to communicate online than face to face.

Posted on November 3, 2014, in Generation 2-Jess and tagged , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 10 Comments.

  1. Oh. My. Gosh. Fiyero has got to be the cutest thing I have ever seen! I love his hair. Dowantdowantdowant! have you thought about if you’re going to put any of the Rourke’s up for download? I have never seen that interaction to subdue the washing machine either. I love it and laughed so hard. And then the washing machine won!


  2. Squee! Fiyero is the cutest thing ever!!! I love the subdue a washing machine interaction. I’ve only seen it in other people’s blogs, since I never buy the cheap ones, since they break so much. Isn’t it the funniest thing?!?

    As always, love this family! ❤


    • Yeah, I think it’s exclusive to the cheap washing machines – like you, I usually buy the expensive ones. That’s the good thing about this challenge, it opens me up to new experiences – I can’t buy an expensive washer until they unlock indoor plumbing. 🙂


  3. Fiyero is a little cutie.
    Subdue washing machine I think only happens with the cheap ones, not expensive ones.
    You know real me has the zebra pj’s too.


  4. Just a heads up, I nominated you for the Liebster Award.

    Liebster Award


  5. Fiyeroooooooo!!! I love when babies have a good mix of the genes 🙂
    I do hate how toddlers whine all the time though. Whenever I have toddlers in the house, I hear crying every 20 seconds, even when they’re completely fine. X(

    Liked by 1 person

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