4.04 – Four Friendly

4.03.26 - twins
Previously, we found out that Penny is actually Michelangelo’s daughter, and a werewolf to boot! The true legitimate heir, Seaweed, was born along with his twin sister Maybelle.

I have finished my WYDC, but the edited pictures are on my external hard drive, which I left at work. So instead we have a Rourke update!

4.04.01 - max inventing career1
4.04.01 - max inventing career2
We begin this chapter with Fiyero selling enough Masterful inventions to reach Level 10 of the Inventing career! This is the first time I’ve maxed a self-employment career that wasn’t painting or sculpting, so I’m very excited.

4.04.02 - Penny + Geneva chess
Penny invited Geneva Zalie over after school; she wishes to make friends and play chess. Two birds, one stone.

4.04.03 - detonate challenge
Only one more Inventing challenge to go: detonate 150 objects. The Rourke have stacks of money, so I bought a bunch of chairs and tables and stacked them close together; hopefully more than one will blow at once.

4.04.04 - boom
(whoops, apparently I forgot to take a picture of the scene after the explosion; it blew about 10 chairs at once. Good, but not great)

4.04.05 - Flamette makeout
Cosette and Flamingo (ship name Flamette? Cosingo?) are constantly all over one another; good choice for spouse, guys!

4.04.06 - Seaweed pout
So much so that they’re apparently neglecting the babies. Seaweed has such a cute pouty face!

4.04.07 - grandpa rescue
Grandpa to the rescue! (I swear I had a caption like this in a previous chapter…Fiyero really loves the babies)

4.04.08 - Maybelle car1 4.04.08 - Maybelle car2
Maybelle likes it better in her older sister’s room. Good thing she’s a cutie also.

4.04.09 - Flamie fishing
The winter in Twinbrook is being annoying; keeps getting warm enough to thaw the snow and pond, then snowing again. But it’s a good thing, because that means Flamingo can work on his LTW without leaving the lot – easier to take care of the babies.

4.04.10 - Fiyero jumping
Now that he’s maxed the career and is no longer chained to the inventing bench, Fiyero indulges in some good old elder fun times.

4.04.11 - Sam pregnant
Sam is pregnant again; at least it’s by the same guy this time?

4.04.12 - harvesting scrap
Fiyero plays with the Masterful Harvester; it certainly helps speed up the scrap collection. I’ll have to try it out in the garden, once Spring comes.

4.04.13 - more boom
More kaboom.

4.04.14 - Pink promotion
Pink got a promotion; I swear she picks a different career every new save file.

4.04.15 - Fiyero key to city
Fiyero was awarded the key to the city; in the background you can see both Marius (army uniform) and Eponine (papergirl outfit) joined the crowd of well-wishers. Along with Silver Racket, because who else would be in a maid’s costume as an elder?
4.04.16 - Key to City text 4.04.17 - Neighborhood Hero
Ooh, he got this awesome moodlet; +50 for 4 entire days!

4.04.18 - Marius daughter
Marius and Fantine had a baby girl this time. I’ll have to send someone over to check out the kids once they’re no longer burritos.

4.04.19 - 10 grandchildren wish
Her wish for 5 grandchildren fulfilled, Yttrium has now wished for 10. Better get cracking, Marius and Eponine, because Cosette is done.

4.04.20 - Heather promotion
Unlike Pink, Heather is always in the Culinary career, and she got a promotion also.

4.04.21 - Flamingo birthday
It’s Flamingo’s birthday; he looks exactly the same. And yay, he did not have a Midlife Crisis!

4.04.22 - Cosette mascot dance1
I disguised the Store Dance Floor as a rug, and Cosette loves it. I love it, too, the animations are hilarious. This is the Mascot Dance.
4.04.22 - Cosette mascot dance2 4.04.22 - Cosette mascot dance3

4.04.23 - Shark + Bunny
Not a day after impregnanting Sam, Shark moves on to Bunny. …I think you were better off with Sam, Shark.

4.04.24 - Attack with Claw1
4.04.24 - Attack with Claw2
Yttrium also loves her grandchildren; at this point, the grandparents attend to the twins more than their parents do.

4.04.25 - Flamingo tickle
Not to say that their parents never socialise with the kids; they just don’t roll many wishes for the kids, unlike what I’ve been used to in other families. Flamingo and Cosette are all about one another and skilling, not so much the kids.

4.04.26 - Diabolical Detonator
Fiyero has finally completed the Diabolical Detonator challenge.

4.04.27 - all challenges complete
Proof that he completed all of the inventing challenges; another first time for me, with these challenges 🙂

4.04.28 - Flamingo shark
Despite the frowny face, Flamingo is actually quite happy atm.

4.04.29 - max Fishing
Because he maxed the Fishing skill!

Cutie Seaweed spam:
4.04.30 - Seaweed blocks1 4.04.30 - Seaweed blocks2 4.04.30 - Seaweed blocks3 4.04.30 - Seaweed blocks4
Even when he’s throwing a tanti, he’s still so cute!

4.04.31 - Maybelle route fail
Maybelle, on the other hand, can’t find the xylophone. I’m pretty sure it’s not in the middle of the street, honey.

It was actually a glitch; I had to sell and rebuy the xylophone before she could find it. But now that she has, have some Maybelle spam:
4.04.32 - Maybelle xylo1 4.04.32 - Maybelle xylo2 4.04.32 - Maybelle xylo3 4.04.32 - Maybelle xylo4

4.04.33 - Penny chatting
Little Miss Popular keeps wanting to be best friends with everyone; when she’s not at someone’s house, she’s calling her friends on the phone. So much for the Loner trait.

4.04.34 - Flamingo promotion
I keep forgetting to sell Flamingo’s fish to help him with his career; I think this is L5?

4.04.35 - Fiyero drilling
Now that he’s done all I need him to do, Fiyero is playing with his inventions. Apparently a scuba tank and flippers are required safety gear to operate the drill.

4.04.36 - perfect fish
Flamingo is making progress on his LTW; I’m keeping his Perfect fish in Maybelle’s inventory, so he doesn’t accidentally use them for bait. Thus far, he has 7.

4.04.37 - Marius baby
…wow, apparently Marius is trying to help his mother with her wish for 10 grandchildren.

4.04.38 - Fiyero time machine
Fiyero plays with more of his own inventions. I’m hoping we can get him a new outfit or something.

4.04.39 - Flamingo + Jess
Flamingo meets his great-grandmother-in-law (Jess). Everyone loves the sandpit, especially the ghosts.

4.04.40 - woohoo in car
And this is the favourite place for autonomous woohoo – I think this is Fiyero and Yttrium.

4.04.41 - Heather RI
Heather found a new RI; from the name, I’m guessing he’s one of Amy Bull’s sons.
(I checked, he’s the half-brother of Shawn Bull, Amy’s son with Sinbad Rotter – the same man who fathered Heather’s daughter Geneva. Is that incestual? Not technically, I guess, but still kind of creepy)

4.04.42 - Queen Penny
Queen Penny of the Dining Table would like someone to clean up the dishes.

4.04.43 - synchronised parenting
Synchronised parenting, FTW!

4.04.44 - nursery makeout
…guys, seriously, take it out of the nursery, at least.

4.04.45 - twinnies talking
Naw, I forgot that toddlers who know how to talk can communicate at the block table. Too cute.

4.04.46 - Fiyero + Penny homework 4.04.47 - Fiyero + Penny PSR 4.04.48 - Fiyero + Penny pillow fight
Penny systematically socialises with everyone in the house; Loner trait, where?

4.04.49 - read Penny to sleep1
And then Fiyero wished for this, so I allowed it.

4.04.49 - read Penny to sleep2
Too cute!

4.04.50 - fishing buddies
I feel that Yttrium hasn’t been in this chapter much; she’s on free will, and this is pretty much all she does. She has maxed her relationship with Flamingo, so there’s that.

4.04.51 - Sam daughter
I have no doubt Shark had input into the name of his new daughter; Jamiee is a bit of a white trash name.

4.04.52 - Cosette boss
Since she had a sliver left in her promotion bar, and it was her day off, Cosette invited her boss out to socialise.

4.04.53 - Cosette promotion
He accepted her request for a promotion; she’s now up to L8!

4.04.54 - Yttrium wishes 4.04.55 - Fiyero wishes
Just to show you how much Yttrium and Fiyero still love one another; they both roll the wish to woohoo one another almost daily.

4.04.56 - Pink promotion
Apparently Pink is working hard, she got another promotion already. Go Pink!

4.04.57 - Penny catching butterflies
Proof that Penny does leave the lot other than just for school; she’s collecting butterflies for an opportunity.

4.04.58 - old people makeout
These two, however, would never leave the bedroom if I didn’t force them.

4.04.59 - freaky Penny
Man, she looks so freaky with the glowing eyes.

4.04.60 - werewolf Penny
Here she is in werewolf form; not too bad, considering.

4.04.61 - eat raw wish
She rolled up this immediately.

4.04.62 - eating raw fish
So we fulfilled it. It doesn’t really look like she’s eating it, more like glitching through it, but anyway.

Tonight, on the night of the full moon, it’s the twins’ birthday!

4.04.63 - Seaweed bday
Seaweed rolled Lucky.

4.04.64 - glitchy Maybelle
Maybelle glitched and dropped “Have Birthday” from her queue.

Fortunately, I now save sims at every birthday makeover (lesson learned after Jess Rourke, Nymeria and Sandor Maloney had the same issue), so even though the MC hard reset changed her features, I was able to grab toddler Maybelle and manually age her up. She rolled Neat.

4.04.65 - MaybelleC
This is her Neat makeover; she’s a very serious looking child, so Neat totally fits.

4.04.66 - SeaweedC
And this is madeover Seaweed; love the freckles! The twins already look very different – the eye shape and nose is different, even allowing for the skins.

4.04.67 - ask for bedtime story
His first action as a child? Ask his grandmother for a bedtime story. Though he did pick the correct boat bed, so there’s that.

4.04.68 - Maybelle + Cosette
Maybelle also chose to be social; talking to her mother. Man, this generation is so friendly!

4.04.69 - boarding school wish
So now that they’re no longer toddlers, Cosette is rolling wishes for the kids. Though we are not sending them to boarding school.

4.04.70 - Seaweed cooking
He wished for the stove, so Seaweed is designated the new family cook; we need a new one since we’ve depleted the leftovers Nessa made. And good quality cookies and brownies give the ‘good meal’ moodlet just as well as proper adult dishes do.

4.04.71 - Yttrium dies1
Right as Seaweed was putting away the leftovers, Yttrium flirted with Fiyero one last time, then heard the call.
4.04.71 - Yttrium dies2 4.04.71 - Yttrium dies3

4.04.72 - Seaweed medical wish
Watching his grandmother die, Seaweed decided he wanted to save lives. (I said no)

4.04.73 - Yttrium gone1
Yttrium didn’t beg, she knew she’d had a damn great life. She simply shook hands with death and went to the great beyond.

4.04.73 - Yttrium gone2
Everyone present was distraught.

4.04.74 - rejected Console
Cosette autonomously tried to console Penny, and got this reaction.

4.04.75 - Fiyero sandpit
Fiyero went straight outside to play in the sandpit; I guess he’s seen how it draws the ghosts?

4.04.76 - Cosette + Flamingo
Cosette found consolation in the arms of her husband.


And, on that sad note, we’ll leave things for now. Thanks for reading!

About somebodysangel13

I love sports, reading and computer games. Bit of a paradox, I guess. Also a loner, always find it easier to communicate online than face to face.

Posted on April 13, 2015, in Generation 4-Cosette and tagged , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 10 Comments.

  1. Oh no! Yttrium! I wasn’t quite ready for her to go. I know she is probably ancient by now but awwww ;.;

    I really like the couple name Cosingo. I don’t know why but it makes me think of some latin dance or something lol.

    The kids turned out great and I find the block table so helpful in establishing young relationships. I always find ti sad when twins age up and they basically don’t know each other. It’s like ‘Guys, you have shared everything since conception. You know each other!”


    • I know how you feel 😦 Fiyero chose his spouse quite late, so she didn’t come until the family until halfway through her YA bar, thus it didn’t feel like we had her long enough.

      Haha, Cosingo totally does sound like a dance! Okay, we’ll use that ship name – because Cosette and Flamingo is way too long to type out all the time.

      It is sad about twins; I’ll have to try and remember to get the at the block table more often.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. The kids are beautiful.

    I’m really going to miss Yttrium.

    Before I forget, when you had Yttrium holding one of the twins as a toddler, instead of saying grandparents, you said grandkids.


  3. The kids are cute.
    It’s so strange that certain sim couples will constantly want to woohoo whilst others will never roll a wish for it.


    • Having fun in your wishacy, I take it? I agree, it is funny the wishes different sims roll – Bruce and Phoenix rarely rolled woohoo wishes, but all the other heirs have been randy sims.


      • In the wishacy no adult is getting any wishes fulfilled unless they happen to roll a snuggle/hold x baby and it is accidently done.
        Prince and Alice are always all over each other though.


  4. I meant to say that I loved the way the turquoise and Red Sea themed nursery turned out.

    I’m obsessed with Seaweed, can’t wait to get to know him better!


  5. Cosette, your LEGS! (Last pic)
    So sad for Yttrium, right in front of Fiyero too 😦
    Seaweed is completely adorable though ❤


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